I'm taking you back to Ghana to meet an emerging designer by the name of Nina Barkers-Woode who is gradually gaining international recognition after showcasing her collection at the Ghana Fashion and Design Week back in 2012. She is the owner of the fashion label Love April, a brand that is quite eclectic, youthful and still fresh. I do appreciate the fact that she did not put the emphasis on the ankara or any typical african fabric but still succeeded into arounsing that tribal flavor in her creations.

This is what Nina had to say about this very collection "This season we followed our natural instinct and creatively produced bold tribal prints. Our muse was that of historically illustrating African womanhood. Our motive was to not only harness the Love April woman’s natural female form through dramatic tribal prints but to also uniquely contemporize the look and feel of each piece. Inspired by the world history generations of women and androgyny artworks, the Love April’s collection plays on the mixture of masculinity and femininity. Our exaggerated seam-lines emphasis our cling to modern culture. Our true, bare, chic necklines keep us in the realm of ancients. Our abstracted textured prints will ultimately immortalize the classic style and feel of a woman” [Nina Barkers-Woode]

I hope you've enjoyed what you've seen, and if ever you want to try anyone of these items, please feel free to get in touch with her at : ninaloveapril@gmail.com OR patriciayeboah@gmail.com.
That will be it for today my beloved readers, hope to come back soon with another story worth telling. Until then, protect yourself, enjoy your life and remember that there's only one you my YGB.